about the studio

In-person, Online, & mobile

Kelley Cady Pilates & Intuitive Eating established in 2018 is a small, privately owned, fully equipped in-home studio rooted in Keene, NH near downtown. Kelley offer's a variety of ways to work together from in-person & virtual 1:1 sessions, on-demand video membership, workshops & group classes virtually and at various local studios. So, basically available worldwide!

Currently in-person and virtual 1:1 sessions are by appointment only - book online here or contact Kelley directly hereThe virtual studio is housed in a web platform here and phone app here.

Take advantage of your Free Consultation Offer to see if we are good fit here.

You will love my innovative, effective, science-based approach to teaching pilates, movement, and intuitive eating. 

Kelley Cady Pilates & Intuitive Eating was born because I couldn’t find pilates or movement workouts that felt challenging and athletic without encouraging a transactional relationship with food, or a no-pain-no-gain relationship with exercise, or tuning out of your body’s wisdom. 

The Kelley Cady method:

My passion and expertise is in empowering people with the knowledge, skills and motivation to regain pain-free natural movement, optimal body alignment through pilates, corrective exercise and whole life coaching, and helping people get free of the shame and pain of chronic dieting so they can live their most unapologetic, liberated lives.

Get started now

Pilates & Movement are for everybody. Discover Kelley's method of movement that's takes a step-by-step, functional approach to help you stay healthy, active, and pain-free by changing the way you feel and think about how you move from head-to-toes...

As a certified intuitive eating counselor & health behavior coach, I'll help you get free of the shame and pain of chronic dieting so you can reclaim your ability to honor your body's individual needs, including hunger, fullness, satisfaction, movement, and self-care...

Bring Kelley Cady coaching and education to you! Help motivate and inspire your clientele and/or employees to feel, perform, and live their best with remote, hybrid, or in-person programs, workshops, and courses...

Brand new and don't know
where to start? Want to know if working with me is right for YOU? 

Brand new and don't know where to start? Want to know if working with me is right for YOU? 

No More “Starting Fresh on Monday” or Feeling Like A Failure.
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