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The Kelley Cady
App is here


Built from the ground up for
speed, stability, and simplicity. 
Available now for iOS & Android. 

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denise V., Keene, NH

"So many things have changed since starting Pilates sessions with Kelley. My toes don't cross and I can stretch them wider. I can feel the textures beneath my feet! I haven't had issues with Raynaud's or needed pain relievers. I am not breathing shallowly: you've taught me how to breathe through to my back and pelvic area. I've learned to walk heel to toe instead of chest-toe first. I have better balance. I've learned so much more about how things in my body are connected and how to move more efficiently."

stephanie smith, Washington USA

"Giving myself unconditional permission to eat has significantly decreased my food craving and binges. It's now become normal to consider self-care and body kindness when it comes to my food and movement choices and my mind is no longer filled with obsessive or negative thoughts. I truly haven't felt better with my relationship with food and my body."

Tim Burns, California

"Giving myself unconditional permission to eat has significantly decreased my food craving and binges. It's now become normal to consider self-care and body kindness when it comes to my food and movement choices and my mind is no longer filled with obsessive or negative thoughts. I truly haven't felt better with my relationship with food and my body"

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Healthy living doesn't have to feel like The Hunger Games.

Ready to leave dieting behind, enjoy your calories and not count them, or feel guilty when you eat? Subscribe to my FREE 5-Step Guide to Getting Started with Intuitive Eating to learn how to reconnect with your body, incorporate a few of the intuitive eating principles, and get free from dieting!

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Working on your feet pays off even if you don’t have foot pain.

That’s because all modern feet are super weak and stiff (I’m looking at you, modern shoes). And because our feet connect us to the ground, our feet have a huge impact on our ankles, knees, hips, pelvic floor, low back, spine, neck and shoulders.

So yah, even if you think your feet are in good shape, you’re gonna win big when you work on them. 

I'm ready to build healthy, strong feet!


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